Jeff Hunter

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Festive Surroundings

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here!  It's been about 50 degrees around here lately and that prompted us to get a little holiday spirit.  We pulled out the blow-ups and strung some lights to get into the season.

Once everything was setup, of course I grabbed the camera and tripod.  The photo above was taken with the Canon 7D Mark 2, Canon 17-55 f/2.8 at 47mm.  Since I had the tripod, I set the ISO to 200 and dialed in the shutter speed to .8 seconds at f/2.8.  According to the light meter, it was underexposed by two stops, but I think it came out OK.

The photo below was very difficult to take.  I opted to overexpose the tree knowing that the lights would be way to bright.  But at least you can see some detail in the tree.  Again with the 7D Mark 2, 17-55 f/2.8 at 17mm this time.  Shutter speed was 1.3 seconds and the aperture was f/2.8 at ISO 200.