Jeff Hunter

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The Evolution of a Photographer, Part II

My photographic journey started when I graduated high school.  From the end of College until 2004, I toted the Canon AE-1 Program just about everywhere.  I had a good run with that camera, but it eventually developed the "Canon Squeak" and I just didn't want to invest any money into getting it fixed when we were on the verge of a new medium.

In January of 2004, my wife bought me a Canon Powershot S400 to explore this digital medium.  I wasn't ready to commit to an SLR at that point because I wasn't sure of the quality.  But my little 4MP S400 did a decent job and I was ecstatic about the new ability to look at my photos immediately!  The S400 was a "point and shoot" type camera, but gave me the ability to have 1000 shots in my pocket that are developed the second you snap the shutter.

Some shots from the S400...

The Geico Gecko?

Coffee beans growing on the vine.

The Observatory at Mauna Kea at sunset.

A hawk in the yard (highly cropped).

My boy Danny in 2006.

Kilauea Light Station, Hawaii