
The Evolution of a Photographer, Part V

I learned a lot about the "Exposure Triangle" with the Canon 60D.  But it was this photo that convinced me I needed to upgrade to a newer model.

The local indoor hockey rinks were poorly lit for a photographer with an "old" camera.  I got very good glass with the 17-55 f/2.8 and 70-200 f/2.8, but I just couldn't get enough light to capture the action at 1/500th of a second without pushing the ISO high.  I wasn't happy with the noise at ISO 3200, but 1600 was OK.  However, I couldn't get a fast enough shutter speed with ISO 1600 at f/2.8.  I could spend $8K on a 200 f/2.0 lens, but that just didn't make sense for me.

When I was ready to upgrade, I looked at the Canon 6D and 7D Mark II.  I knew the full frame sensor of the 6D was going to be better at low-light situations, but the 7D Mark II was built for sports.  But the 6D was near the end of it's life and the 7D Mark II had the latest technology.  The lower light reviews of the 7D Mark II was coming in pretty good, so I bit the bullet and bought the newer camera.

The first hockey game I shot, I captured the best picture I have ever taken.  And it was at ISO 3200.

So here we are today.  I am still learning the 7D Mark II and looking forward to the upcoming hockey season!

Some other of my favorites from the 7D Mark II.

My favorite subject.

My favorite subject.

A December day at the NY Botanical Garden.

A December day at the NY Botanical Garden.

Wilton vs. Darien Hockey

Wilton vs. Darien Hockey