
Around New York

Some miscellaneous pictures from around our trip to New York.

Dear Men in $600 shoes and $1,200 coats; Please don't do this do your dog.

Dear Men in $600 shoes and $1,200 coats; Please don't do this do your dog.

Best seat in the house.

Best seat in the house.

A closeup of the decoration at Saks.

A closeup of the decoration at Saks.

While sitting in Bryant Park, some tourists were talking among themselves: "Oooh, take a picture of the Empire State Building!".  I didn't have the heart to tell them it was the Chrysler Building.

While sitting in Bryant Park, some tourists were talking among themselves: "Oooh, take a picture of the Empire State Building!".  I didn't have the heart to tell them it was the Chrysler Building.