Jeff Hunter

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Two Added to "Best Of 2016"

I shot the Wilton vs. Darien Boys hockey game on Wednesday night at the Winter Garden Arena. The Wilton team played good defense in the first and third period.  Second period was a different story.

I managed to capture about 94 images that were good.  You can view all of them at flickr.

This was during the third period.  Possession changed and both teams hurried down to the other end of the ice.  I was at the Darien bench, and snapped this photo just as he had turned.  Canon 7D Mark II with 70-200mm f/2.8 at f/2.8, ISO 2500, and 1/400th of a second.

This player just came off the ice after being out during a very frenzied second period.  Canon 7D Mark II, 70-200 at f/2.8, ISO 2500, 1/400th.

My "formula" for the Winter Garden Arena is ISO 2500, f/2.8 and 1/400th of a second.  I should probably write that down for next year.