Jeff Hunter

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Pet Photography Tips, Part III

In the previous two installments, Part I and Part II, we explored a technical tip and a creative tip. 


Probably the biggest tip of all is to have patience.  Pets are animals and most don't take direction very well.  It's best if you take your dog for a walk or play with your cat before you photo session starts.  Let them burn off a little energy.  In the end, you can have everything almost perfect for a frame...

and then the next moment a hawk flies by and you're done.

Sometimes you have to take a lot of pictures and not many come out right.  But with these tips, hopefully you'll have more confidence to do your part and when you do get a good opportunity, everything will work out just right.

Be Creative

Last, but not least, don't let my tips constrain you.  The key is to be creative.  For example, you may want to break the rule that says the eyes should always be in focus.  Maybe you are trying your hand at a little Depth of Focus trickery.

Or maybe not.

The key is to do what YOU want to do.  This is the last installment in Pet Photography Tips.  I hope you picked up a couple tips to help you with your pet photography.