
St. Anthony Graduation

This weekend our niece graduated from St. Anthony High School in Huntington, NY.  I didn't have time to rent any gear, so I shot it all with my standard kit; Canon 7D Mark II, Canon 70-200 f/2.8, Canon 17-55 f/2.8, and 2X Teleconverter.

High School Sweethearts

High School Sweethearts

Proud Mom & Dad

Proud Mom & Dad

Big field house, but not as packed as in 2012.

Big field house, but not as packed as in 2012.

One of the neat traditions at St. Anthony is the graduates are accompanied on the way in by Bag Pipers and Drummers.

One of the neat traditions at St. Anthony is the graduates are accompanied on the way in by Bag Pipers and Drummers.

Cap Toss

Cap Toss