Jeff Hunter

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The Center for Birds of Prey

While the forcast was for rain from hurricane Julia on Thursday, September 15th, we decided to go to The Center for Birds of Prey in Awendaw, SC anyway.  It turned out to be a beautiful day in the morning and just as we left around 3PM, it looked like a band of rain was on the way.

The first event for the morning was a photographers up close look at several owls.  I felt a little underprepared with only one DSLR draped around my neck and a single 70-200 f/2.8, but I still managed to get a frew frames off.

This was not our first time at the Center.  In fact, we've been there three times.  But this was the first where they were having a three day open house called Zugunruhefest.  

Spectacled Owl

Southern White Faced Scops Owl

Barn Owl

After the owl "meet and greet", we heard Tom Murphy talk about his work with the SC DEP and how the Bald Eagle population has come back from 13 nesting pairs in 1975 to over 300 pairs today.

Tom Murphy

Last up for the pictures was a flight demonstration.  It was interesting how the different birds of prey hunted for their food.

Eurasian Eagle Owl

Mississippi Kite

Red Tail Hawk

We wrapped it up with a tour of their medical center.  The Center for Birds of Prey is one of the few rehab facilities on the East Coast for raptors.  It is also a designated bird oil cleaning station if that type of disaster should ever hit the Southeast coast.