Jeff Hunter

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Winter Color

It's hard to get motivated when there's nothing to shoot.  Well, that's not true, there's always something to shoot.  I took a couple minutes to take some photos of flowers around the house.

First is an amaryllis that we get from Valerie's "Bulb of the Month" club.  One of her Christmas gifts was a subscription to the "Bulb of the Month" club where they send you a pot full of bulbs every month.  They grow through the month with a couple different flowers and about the time they are ready to die out, another one comes in the mail.

1/40th sec, ISO 400, f/4.0, 200mm.

This African Violet is about three years old.  It was on it's last leg about 6 months ago, but Valerie re-potted it.

1/30th, f/4.0, ISO 400, 70mm.