Jeff Hunter

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Good Golly, Miss Molly

A little over a week ago, Valerie saw Molly's picture on the Sunshine Golden Rescue page.  Something about Molly stuck with Valerie and she just couldn't get Molly out of her mind.  We've adopted with Sunshine before.  In fact, this is our fourth Golden from Sunshine.  Danny, Cooper, and Otis all preceded Molly.  We knew it was a good match and they knew it was a good match, so the wheels moved swiftly.  Thanks to Linda Foster for "greasing the wheels".

Molly came up from Alabama on P.E.T.S. LLC Transport.  It's quite an experience waiting for your pup in a Park & Ride lot in Danbury with about 12 other families.  A big semi trailer pulls up, they unload dogs to their owners, and away they go to the next stop.

Molly was born in Jacksonville, Florida in 2010.  After six years, her Coast Guard family was getting re-located yet again in a short time and they reluctantly surrendered Molly because they couldn't put her through that again.

On our way home, Molly fell asleep in Valerie's lap.  We introduced her to Otis on a walk and everything seems fine.  She's not quite sure what to do with Otis, but Otis wants to play.  We'll see hot it plays out over the next couple days.  I think they'll be fine.