
Connecticut Classic Lighthouse Tour

We headed out to New London to take the Cross Sound Ferry Connecticut Classic Lighthouse Tour.  It was a cloudy day, so I didn't get the photos I expected.  We experienced cloudy, rainy, sunny, and back to rainy in the same two hour tour.

I brought the 7D Mark 2 because I expected that I would have to reach out to get a good photo.  But the 70-200 on the 7D Mark 2's crop sensor was almost too much since the boat could get right up next to the lighthouse. I think a 24-105 would have been the perfect lens for this project.

New London Harbor Light.

New London Harbor Light.

New London Ledge Light

New London Ledge Light

North Dumpling Light.

North Dumpling Light.

Little Gull Light

Little Gull Light

Race Rock Light

Race Rock Light

Bug Light

Bug Light

Orient Point Light

Orient Point Light

Plum Island.

Plum Island.