
Winter Storm Jonas in 40 Seconds

I've wanted to try a time-lapse with the Canon 7D Mark II for a while, but I never really had a good subject.  But with the impending Winter Storm Jonas baring down on Connecticut, I thought what a great opportunity!

The first attempt was less than perfect.  I setup everything in Manual Mode and dialed in the correct exposure.  But I didn't count on the heavy snow throwing off the exposure.  Also, my first battery died after 90 minutes, so that was a bust.

The second attempt worked out pretty well.  I put the camera in Aperture Priority mode and put in a fresh battery.  I restarted the time lapse around 11:00 and turned it off right at 17:00.  I had it set to take a frame every 20 seconds.

Here is Winter Storm Jonas in 40 seconds.

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