
Why I Use 32Gb Cards

SD and Compact Flash cards come in just about every size imaginable from 4Gb to 512Gb. You may think it's odd that given the immense capacities you can get, that I would standardized on 32Gb cards.

There are a number of reasons I use 32Gb cards.  First, I like to mirror my cards.  I am a computer guy and I know this media (as well as all media) can fail.  So I like a backup.  I am also frugal, so buying multiple huge cards is going to be more expensive then several smaller cards in order to get my backup.

In addition, since I know media can fail, I also don't want spend a huge chunk of change on something I know I might have to throw out.  Imagine spending $150 on something that you only get 6 months of use out of?  Not me, I'd rather spend $25 on the 32Gb card and if I have to throw it out, so be it.

I shoot exclusively in RAW format and I can get about 1000 images on a 32Gb card.  If I think I am going to shoot more than 1000 images at an event, I know I have to switch cards somewhere in the middle.  If something happens to my first set of cards, I'd rather have some images than none.

Knowing that I only have 32Gb in the camera, makes me a little more judicious pressing the shutter button.  I know I have to pick and choose my images if I want to make it to half time before I can change.  I certainly don't want to change in the middle of the action, so I start getting a little careful when I hit 900.

The last reason is a little selfish.  One-thousand images takes me about 90 minutes to cull into the "best of the best" and "the rest".  If I'm filling two 32Gb cards, I'm going to spend 3 hours looking at the computer.

A not so important reason I use 32Gb cards is that my Point & Shoot idiot camera only supports up to a 32Gb card.  I don't want to accidentally put a 128Gb card in and find out I can't take pictures when I get to my destination.

Now, I mostly concentrate on still images.  If I shot a lot of video, it would be a whole different story.  I'd utilize as much space as I could for the maximum amount of recording time.

Jeff HunterComment