
Signs of Spring

The winter that never was is slowly making it's way out for 2016.  Saturday we took the opportunity to drive down to the New York Botanical Gardens and see the Orchid Show.  We got there early and strolled around the grounds before we went in to see the orchids.  There were signs of spring all around us.

Buds were popping...

The first robin of the season was out.

And the crocus were out.

This is perhaps my favorite image of the morning walk.  I spotted this group of crocus coming up and the early morning sun was behind it.  I got down on the ground and guessed at the settings.  I think I got them pretty good (ISO 100, f/2.8, & 1/640th).  I added a little contrast in Lightroom, but that's basically how it came out of the camera.  I love how the light is coming through the petals in the back, but the petals in the front are kind of dark.