
Pet Photography Tips, Part II

In the first post of this series, we explored a composition tip and a technical tip to help you with your pet photos.  This time I have another pair of creative and technical tips!

Does Your Pet Have Feet?

Of course your pet has feet.  If you're capturing a full body shot of your pet, let's include his feet.  It looks odd when you cut his back feet off...

but perfectly normal with his whole body in the photo.  Which one is more appealing to you?  Do you notice he has no back feet in one but does in the other?


The key to a good portrait, human or otherwise, is that their eyes are in focus.  The eyes are the window to the soul, so we want to make sure we're seeing clearly.

Here we missed focus and his nose is the sharpest thing in the frame.  Is that what we want the viewer to be looking at?  Maybe it is, but more often than not, we want the viewer to be looking at the essence of the animal..his eyes.

There is one more part to this series.  Hopefully we'll be able to see some signs of spring in the next coming weeks to have a little more interesting blog articles.