
Morris Island Lighthouse Tour

We took a tour with Charleston Outdoor Adventures to the Morris Island Lighthouse.  I shot about 1100 frames and my first culling yielded about 400.  Eventually we got down to about 60 images of which these are some of the 5 best.

The "Pirate Ship".  Actually a yacht that cut loose during hurricane Charley that the owners decided to abandon.  Some wiseguys went out to the ship and hung a Jolly Roger as a joke.  Probably some rum involved.

The "Pirate Ship".  Actually a yacht that cut loose during hurricane Charley that the owners decided to abandon.  Some wiseguys went out to the ship and hung a Jolly Roger as a joke.  Probably some rum involved.

One of my favorite images.  A Snowy Egret taking off.

One of my favorite images.  A Snowy Egret taking off.

A pair of pelicans in flight.

A pair of pelicans in flight.

A very young Palm Tree on Morris Island.

A very young Palm Tree on Morris Island.

A pod of dolphins "stranding".  They circle fish in the mouth of an estuary and force the fish up on the beach where they are easy pickins.

A pod of dolphins "stranding".  They circle fish in the mouth of an estuary and force the fish up on the beach where they are easy pickins.