

Thank God for megapixels!  The 5D Mark IV has incredible density which allows you to crop down and still get a decent image.  Here are some perspectives and one highly cropped photo that I probably wouldn't call usable.

This is the original photo at 200mm.

This is the original photo at 200mm.

I was able to get the 2x Extender on which brought the photo to 400mm.

I was able to get the 2x Extender on which brought the photo to 400mm.

This is the first crop where I changed the orientation.

This is the first crop where I changed the orientation.

This is cropped WAAAYYYY down.  Probably couldn't print it and the detail is not great at this level.  I'd call this one unusable.

This is cropped WAAAYYYY down.  Probably couldn't print it and the detail is not great at this level.  I'd call this one unusable.